Search Results for: peru

Total posts found - 15

Amazing Incan stonework

12 sided stone in Cuzco – the most sides of any known stone in the area. This is at Machu Picchu...

I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now

Joni Mitchell sang: ” I’ve looked at clouds from both sides nowFrom up and down and still somehowIt’s cloud’s illusions...

How to find good places to stay cheap when you travel

When looking for a decent but affordable place to stay in other countries that main two sites I use are:  and...

Seeing with new eyes

One day after returning from a trip,  as I went through a turnstile on my way to the train to...

Travel in a time of Covid (using VR)

In 2020, I unknowingly planned ahead for Covid striking down my travel plans. Due to airfare deals, I spent most...