Search Results for: peru

Total posts found - 15
Around town, Cusco – Peru

Around town, Cusco – Peru

Colorful Peruvian markets – food and textiles photolog

When shopping in the local markets in Peru, it is a riot of colorful clothing and foods.

Ollantaytambo (Peru)

Ollantaytambo is a fortified Incan area with terraces for farming with irrigation. There are also still storehouses from that time...

Machu Picchu train through the Sacred Valley of the Incas (Peru)

The main way to get to the Machu Picchu area is a nice train ride along a river from just...

Lake Titicaca floating islands (Peru)

The story goes that the people in this region got tired of being in fights with their neighbors, so they...

Sacsayhuaman Incan Fortress (Sax-say-hwaman) – Peru – UNESCO site

Sacsayhuaman is a large megalithic site in Peru that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  It is an old Inca...

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Copied from the UNESCO site – updated 2019 Note: There are a lot of UNESCO sites, so you will likely...

How to count countries you’ve been to

  There are many ways people count countries they’ve been to, and there’s no single standard way everyone does it. ...

Cartagena – a changing city (Colombia)

Cartagena is a crowded city transforming itself before your eyes. As you walk down the streets in the Old Town...

Walkli – find walking tours around the world

Walkli is a website that has walking tours set up for many cities across the globe.  I ran across it...