Books to read before visiting any country

Here’s a fun site for finding books to read while you are in a country or before you go.

It is oddly hosted on a car rental site run by the travel company Expedia but has good suggestsions.

, Books to read before visiting any country

It’s a list of books they recommend you read before traveling to a country.  For a few examples:

  • US:  Uncle Tom’s Cabin and To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Mexico: The Labyrinth of Solitude and Like Water for Chocolate
  • Canada, see above pic
  • Australia: The Thornbirds and Cloud Street

The map is interactive and you can scroll around through all the countries. There are summaries tell you a little about each book as well.

Click on the below title for more about the books from the examples I listed above, or go to the link to see all the countries’ books.

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