Here are some articles with my best travel tips from visiting dozens of countries and hundreds of cities.
- Tips for simplifying your life so you can travel more
- How to go about collecting experiences, not things
- Packing tips
- Food and Dining tips
- Hotel and lodging tips
- Other tips
Recent Posts in Tips:
- General cruising tips
- How to count countries you’ve been to
- Walkli – find walking tours around the world
- Trip planning: attraction grid for cities like London and Paris
- Save time and money: misfortunate (but reasonably priced) fruit and veg delivered
weather tips * tsa-visas-border control tips * trip deals * travel tech * solo traveler * simplify your life to travel more * planning your trip * packing tips * other deals * money tips * lodging deals & tips * health & safety tips * ground transportation tips * food and dining tips * flight tips * flight deals * cruise tips * clothing tips * bad behavior