Travel laundry: Quick & easy

When you travel a lot, it can be very important to have an easy and quick way to do your laundry. While sometimes you are lucky enough to have access to a washer and/or dryer for a cheap cost (30c in my hostel in Thailand for example), other times you are left with doing laundry in a sink and using a clothesline. I usually travel with 5-7 days of clothes and then after that have to do a “load” of laundry in a sink or tubs.
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First, you need some sort of soap to wash your clothes in a sink. I love the Dr Bronner Castile soaps as they work great for laundry, as well as as a body wash, hand soap, and even a shampoo without stripping your hair too much. So it’s a very all-purpose cleanser. I like the almond scent best, but they have citrus, lavender, peppermint, and unscented (as well as others) options as well.
Fill the sink/tub and swish the items around for a bit (scrub any areas that need it) and let them soak for 10-15 minutes then swish them around again. Drain out and refill the water if it looks dirty after the soak. I generally do 3 rinses (the first with a soak) to get all the soap out for sure. And then finally, press out as much water as you can, then lay the clothes on a towel and roll it up and step on it. This will get the vast majority of the water out.
If you use quick dry clothing, generally you will find everything dries overnight unless you are in a humid area (this didn’t quite work in Cambodia – so then in the morning I put the clothes out in the sun for a half hour or so and then they were dry).
For how to get your now clean clothes dry, click here.