Travel experiences – Eat With Locals

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on
Because experiences are what make us happy, I’m always looking for different or educational experiences wherever I am traveling. Whether it’s zip-lining in a cave, swimming with dolphins, or trying a hammam, I’m always looking for something new.
Recently I found the site eatwith, which is a site where you can plan to eat meals with locals in various locations around the world. From Paris to NYC, from Budapest to Venice. You can not only try local foods but also enjoy them the locals and other travelers.
You can see the offered menus, and there are vegetarian (and even some vegan) options. The hosts tell you a little about themselves too so you can decide if you’d enjoy spending a meal with them. The prices vary, but there is a large selection of options between $50 and $140.
At least one person I know has done a couple of these and really enjoyed them, and I look forward to trying something in my area or when traveling soon.
Happy eating!