Travel: will I ever finish going through my pictures?

In the past year, I’ve gone to half a dozen Caribbean islands, Thailand, Cambodia, and China.  On each trip, I took hundreds to thousands of pictures (although many are just documenting signs, info, etc, not really “pictures” in the sense that they are pretty or interesting to look at).
I feel like I just never catch up on my pictures. 

For each trip, my goal is to make a photo album (I like Shutterfly books a lot – splurge for the lay-flat pages, it makes a huge difference), and to collect the best pictures and put them in one of my digital photo frames.  So far, I’ve only got, I think, 10 countries in digital photo frames, although I do have Shutterfly albums for probably 15 or so.  Many older trips I had film for, but I’m converting those to digital and going through them and adding a handful of pics to the frames. Those trips, thankfully, have only a few hundred pictures for the most part since film and developing was so expensive.

I don’t ever seem to catch up.  Does anyone else have this problem?  If so, how did you solve it?

I do have 2 digital picture frames that I like that have portrait and landscape pictures in them from the 10 trips.  And now I have a small one at work that goes through many pictures too.  This is shown below.  It’s a pretty cheap price point and looks nice and has a timer and motion sensor so it won’t run all the time if you aren’t around.

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