Translation fails

, Translation fails
When going to a country where you don’t speak the language, I recommend having a translation tool on your phone like Google Translate.  Make sure to download the language you need to go before going out so it’s ready to use
, Translation failsGoogle translate is very helpful, but sometimes has epic fails, like the above where the ice cream I was looking at translated to “he mutinied” or above where “noodles to the Iron”, and “sole to the Iron or pinky” are entrees at a restaurant.  Fried noodles, and fried noodles with ??????.

It can also be interesting to see how locals translated words to English.  Menus can be especially hilarious when the translations are poorly done.

So, it is often helpful to have backup plans for translation, whether that’s a phrasebook or the PointIt book I have used on many trips. [Note; as an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases]  Click on the picture to see more info. It doesn’t matter what year or language you have (each is a seperate listing on Amazon), so just do a search to see what’s in stock.

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