Air travel – packing for carry-on – clothes and supplies (and under 40 pounds)

Read more about how I pack for just carry-on nearly all the time:

To fly in carry-on, you not only need a concise list of what you are bringing, but you also need a good way to pack it and a good thing to pack it in. Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

The Suitcase

I love the IT Luggage line of ultra-lite suitcases. This one is the closest I can find to what I have – that I’ve been using for years. It has 2 inline skate wheels (which I prefer) rather than 4 roller wheels.  Mine is bright aqua so it’s easy to keep an eye on.  I hate the name because googling “IT luggage” is a nightmare, I wish they had a better name.  I’ve used my IT suitcase for dozens of trips over several years,  and I’ve even had to check it in a couple of times, and it’s still going strong.  Although at this point I have bought a back-up to be ready for its eventual demise.

Mesh pouches

In that I pack almost everything in packing cubes that are mesh all around – so you can see inside and they don’t weigh hardly anything (nor take up any space themselves, like so many packing cubes).  I can’t seem to find them anywhere. Most just have a mesh top or mesh sides now.   🙁

I also take a very large mesh bag with me to take around my laundry as I go, until I can wash it, or I pack it back into the cubes to go home.  Prior to getting these, I had used plastic bags, but then I went to a humid place and found out that it was a really bad idea (learn from my experience, not the hard way), so I got these, and have really liked them.

I used to have a hanging toiletry organizer but then started having places where there was really nowhere in the bathroom to hang it.   So now I’ve converted to the deluxe ziplock collection that is efficient and light, and also oh-so classy. 🙂  but it works.

Smaller bags

Another thing I love are these tiny but strong bags from Nanobag and Nanopacks.  They are very compact but quite strong.  I can use the nanopack as a daypack when I’m traveling around during the day, and the bag works great when I’m shopping or for packing dirty laundry as it’s breathable and washable.

Wearing your carry-on

Wear your bulkiest clothing on the plane and only take a maximum of 2 pairs of shoes (including what you wear on the plane), plus flip flops if you are at an appropriate area or a hostel (to use for the bathroom).  I try to always wear a jacket or coat with zippered pockets on the plane (this eases passage through security since I can put my ticket, phone, charger, etc., in my pockets and not worry about losing them.  If you take a few pairs of tops and bottoms that are quick-wash, they won’t take much room and you’ll be able to fit easily.

Happy Travels

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