very unusual

Eat in a treehouse – Bali

When planning our trip to Bali, my friend and I looked for unusual and tasty foods to try. We found...

Museum of Broken Relationships (Zagreb)

Museum of Broken Relationships (Zagreb)

The Museum of Broken Relationships I missed this attraction when I was in Zagreb, but if I go back, I’ll...

ChicagoHenge, Manhattan Henge, etc

ChicagoHenge, Manhattan Henge, etc

In many modern cities, the streets are lined up in a grid pattern (some are specifically N-S and E-W, and...

Dead Sea floating

When in Jordan or Israel, one very peculiar experience that you can get is floating in the Dead Sea. The...

Molokai Hot Bread (Hawaii, USA)

If you go to Molokai (which I do recommend despite its low number of visitors – or perhaps because of...

Wadi Rum (Jordan) – staying in Martian Tents

On my recent trip to Jordan and Egypt, one of the things my group wanted to do was visit Wadi...

Musée des Égouts de Paris – the Paris sewers

This great and unusual attraction was one of my favorites in Paris because it allows you to see things you...

St Peter’s Church’s jeweled saint skeleton and more (Munich, Germany)

St. Peter’s Church is just off Marienplatz square with its famous Glockenspiel. The church is beautiful inside as one would...

Xi'an Terracotta Warriors (China)

Getting there When arriving in Xi’an at the train station or airport, most people head right out to see the...

Cappadocia – underground Turkey – living and hiding underground

While the fairy chimneys above ground in Cappadocia delight, there is magic below ground too. The tufa volcanic stone in...