UNESCO World Heritage

Gaudi’s first two commisions –

Casa Vicens Gaudi’s first commission was Casa Vicens. It is a beautiful synthesis of a house and nature. It still...

Curaçao – Cure-a-sow (like the female pig, not planting crops) – UNESCO site

So the first thing you need to know about Curaçao is how to pronounce it, which I put in the...

Cappadocia – underground Turkey – living and hiding underground

While the fairy chimneys above ground in Cappadocia delight, there is magic below ground too. The tufa volcanic stone in...

Toledo, the city on a hill, Spain – UNESCO site

The central part of Toledo is on top of a steep hill that if you are smart, you will take...

Beijing, China: The Temple of Heaven (a must see)

The Temple of Heaven is a sizable temple complex in Beijing.  It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Like...

A power line runs through it (The Great Wall, Beijing, China);

A power line runs through it (The Great Wall, Beijing, China);

A power line runs through it (The Great Wall, Beijing, China) I was surprised to see this when I visited...

Beijing – The Summer Palace – a UNESCO site

The Summer Palace in Beijing, China is not to be missed if you are in Beijing.  It’s farther out of...

Sacsayhuaman Incan Fortress (Sax-say-hwaman) – Peru – UNESCO site

Sacsayhuaman is a large megalithic site in Peru that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  It is an old Inca...

Stonehenge, England

When I went to London, one of the things high on my list was to see Stonehenge. This is a...

Alcazar Fortress/Museum (Toledo, Spain) – UNESCO site

The Alcazar has an interesting history, having changed hands and purposes many times over the centuries. What is now the...