
Keeping track of fresh food in your fridge when you travel a lot

I often lose track of fresh fruits and veg in my fridge and then find them after they’ve spoiled. This...

Cayman Islands – to Hell

Cayman Island has a traditional tour that you can easily get from the dock area. It is generally around $25...

Onward travel and visa requirements for some countries

I am one of those always-arrive-early type people, but due to delays in my earlier flight, when I got to...

Paprika Pringles

Paprika Pringles

One of my favorite things to do when I’m in different countries is go to the grocery store and check...

Poo Poo Paper Park: Elephant Dung paper (Thailand)

Poo Poo Paper Park Poo Poo Paper Park is an attraction that is just a few feet down the road...

Disney Springs and LEGO

Disney Springs is a shopping, restaurant, entertainment area in Orlando near the major Disney Parks. The main attraction for many...

News of the good: vitiligo dolls

Well, my blog is about travel, but sometimes I just see things that make me smile and I’m going to...

Beautiful Ljubljana – Slovenia

Ljubljana is not only beautiful, it also has a ton of things you can do. 79617 en 5257 5...

Winter home of the Manatees – Florida

Blue Spring State Park in Florida is the winter home for the manatee, because a hot spring feeds the stream....

ChicagoHenge, Manhattan Henge, etc

ChicagoHenge, Manhattan Henge, etc

In many modern cities, the streets are lined up in a grid pattern (some are specifically N-S and E-W, and...