My best travel tips: other tips
Other tips for enjoying travel: Bring at least 2 USB chargers. I lost half a day in China trying to...
Other tips for enjoying travel: Bring at least 2 USB chargers. I lost half a day in China trying to...
Xi’an (shee-ahn) is the capital of Shaanxi Province, China and is one of the oldest cities in China. In fact...
In Istanbul, you can see many beautiful Islamic sites (some of which were Christian churches back when it was Constantinople)....
Recently I realized that since my plan when I retire is to travel more, I really should start getting rid...
While Doi Suthep Temple is high on a hill above Chiang Mai, there are many other temples in Chiang Mai...
The beaches in Panama are often quite lovely. Just beware, I got sunburned in the shade.
Cartagena is a crowded city transforming itself before your eyes. As you walk down the streets in the Old Town...
Unique Adventures: Waitomo (Why-toe-moe) Caves Tube in a cave with glow-worms As I’ve mentioned before, I love caves, and...
My recent flight to Asia was 15 hours, and I had ended up in the middle seat. I guess that...