transportation experiences

Cruising the Nile (Egypt)

Cruising the Nile (Egypt)

When you take a Nile Cruise, you get to see the banks of the Nile between the cities and see...

Hot air balloons: Soaring over the world

Floating in a hot air balloon is an incredible experience that is available all over the world.  Some  particularly beautiful...

China: Transportation options

China: Transportation options

When you are in the large cities of China, you have a lot of options for transportation including hailing taxis,...

Toledo Railway Station

The Toledo Railway Station in Toledo is a beautiful brick building that is a great introduction to the beauty of...

A Man, A Plan, A Canal – Panama

That well-known Palindrome is one of the few that make sense. I mean Taco Cat and Yo Banana Boy are...

Speeding through the night (Chinese bullet train); Chinese train info

Speeding through the night (Chinese bullet train); Chinese train info

Walking around Xi’an, you can see some strange things. I saw someone pickup their dog and put it in a...

Machu Picchu train through the Sacred Valley of the Incas (Peru)

The main way to get to the Machu Picchu area is a nice train ride along a river from just...

Overnight sleeper train from Beijing to Xi'an (China)

After going through the Temple of Heaven’s main sights, I headed off to the train station to catch the overnight...