
Anne Frank House plus miniature

The Anne Frank House is available to tour in central Amsterdam (on the Prinsengracht canal). It has taken over a...

Ggantija, Ta’Hagrat and Skorba Megalithic Temples (Malta)

On the island of Gozo, you can see the 2 Ggantija (Ji gan tee a) Temples. These were built around...

Hagar Qim and Mnajdra Megalithic Temples in Malta

Two megalithic temples are near each other and the sea in the countryside of Malta.  The Hagar Qim (Ha jar...

Malta’s Historic Attractions

Malta has many beautiful natural sights like cliffs, viewpoints and hikes, as well as many historic attractions. I’ll describe a...

Free walking tours in cities around the world (just give a tip)

Free walking tours in cities around the world (just give a tip)

One thing I do in most places I visit is find a free walking tour.  These tours help get me...

Pampered street cats of Istanbul (Turkey)

This is the cat that “guarded” my hotel in Istanbul.  He was there each night and didn’t mind people coming...

Cayman Islands – to Hell

Cayman Island has a traditional tour that you can easily get from the dock area. It is generally around $25...

Gozo’s historical attractions (Malta)

Like the main island of Malta, the island of Gozo has many historic attractions as well as beautiful natural sights....

The Hypogeum and Tarxien Megalithic Temples (Malta) – UNESCO sites

One reason people visit Malta is to see the megalithic construction there, some of which predates the pyramids.  Several sites...

Malta’s Knights Hospitaller 

All around Malta and Gozo (the lesser-known “other island” of Malta), there are reminders of the major influence of the...