about me

Farrago: cat butts

Farrago: cat butts

Found something fun I just had to share. Yes, travel is super important to me, but I have other interests,...

Humorous mistakes

Humorous mistakes

When you are on a trip, sometimes there are funny mistakes around you. On one Caribbean cruise, we read the...

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Copied from the UNESCO site – updated 2019 Note: There are a lot of UNESCO sites, so you will likely...

How to count countries you’ve been to

  There are many ways people count countries they’ve been to, and there’s no single standard way everyone does it. ...

National Parks in US and Canada

National Parks in the US and Canada aren’t as numerous as the UNESCO sites, but you’d still be hard pressed...

How I got interested in travel

When I was young, my parents took me and my brother camping in a pop-up tent.  That went on until...