Pearl Harbor – bringing the US into the war

Pearl Harbor is a frequently visited attraction on Oahu. So much so, that if you are going during a busy time, such as summer or the Christmas holiday season, it’s best to either get your tickets in advance ($1 fee) or get there when the attraction opens (7 am) to guarantee your ability to get out to the actual site. Tickets are free.

Pearl Harbor is famous as the place that Japan bombed that brought us into the war. Japan attacked with no formal war declaration and no warning. Bombs sunk numerous ships and subs, and the U.S.S. Arizona went down with over 900 men aboard, who are still entombed in the ship 40 feet below the surface.

The Japanese wanted to keep the US out of interfering with their plans in Asia by striking the fleet, but all it did was draw us into the war.

A memorial stands above the site, so you can see the ship below. Oil slicks still dot the surface. You are transported to the memorial via a boat run by the Navy (which is why there are ticket limits).

On land, there are many displays and options to learn more about the Arizona and WWII. There’s an audio tour and VR tour offered as well. So if you don’t manage to get tickets to get out to the ship itself there is still lots to see and learn.

Nearby, you can also visit the Battleship Missouri and the U.S.S. Bowfin sub if desired.


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