Paprika Pringles
One of my favorite things to do when I’m in different countries is go to the grocery store and check out the different fruits, chips, chocolates, and sodas, that they have. You may find a new favorite, and sometimes you’ll find the item you like is in many different countries (just, sadly, maybe not yours, as in this case).
I don’t remember what country I first ran into Paprika Pringles in, but since then I have been on a hunt for them in each country I go to.

While in Egypt recently on a tour with several friends, I saw a can at a roadside stop we were at. Of course, I bought it and shared it with my fellow travelers, telling them how I usually look for them when I’m in different places. Everyone else loved them too and started buying them wherever we could. In one place, we bought the little store’s entire supply. We all sat a a table, nearly each person with their can of Pringles.
I’ve also found that there are great Fanta flavors in other countries. The Fanta berry flavors are fantastic and I recently found that in Mexico.