Tacumen Airport info – Panama City

First, the most important thing you need to know about flights from Panama City to the US is that THEY WILL TAKE YOUR EMPTY WATER BOTTLE AT A SECOND SECURITY CHECK AT THE GATE, AND HOLD YOU IN A SMALL AREA WITH NO WATER, NO BATHROOM AND FAR TOO FEW SEATS UNTIL YOUR PLANE LEAVES. This starts about an hour before your flight leaves.  If you chug your water, like I did, planning to keep your bottle, you will really really need to pee when you get on the plane.  There was a line to use the bathrooms as soon as they started letting us on the plane, and I was bummed because I lost my favorite travel water bottle.

What else you need to know:
Lines to check-in are long. If at all possible check-in online and only use carry-on.

The first security check is like in the US.  Take off your shoes, no liquids bigger than 3oz, one small bag of toiletries, laptop out of the bag, etc.
The second security check (for flights to the US) results in any empty water bottles being confiscated.

There is free (slow) wifi available. Sadly, it’s not much use; it is limited to 30 minutes in one day (timed immediately from logon). Some people report not being able to connect to it as well, so don’t rely on it.

Happy Travels!

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