News of the Good: Massive “Pay It Forward”

For two days, a Dairy Queen Grill and Chill in Minnesota had a pay-it-forward chain going through the drive through.

First, one man in the drive-through line decided to pay for the order behind him as well as his own. The cashier thought that would be the end of it, as it usually is, but this one day in December of 2020, this was not the case. As each successive customer was given the option to continue the trend, they kept agreeing.

As word spread, more and more came to wait in the line to spread and receive cheer. The crew working at the store were very busy as there were only 6 of them and the line was quite long. Pay it Forwards had happened before but they usually died after a few cars.

The chain was finally broken when the most recent orderer didn’t have the money to cover the order behind him, and the overages left by previous customers to help cover large orders had run out.

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