News of the Good: Do Good for Happiness

Action for Happiness is always a good place to visit to be inspired to help others (which also often gives you a gift of happiness as well).

The website has lots of information about growing your happiness, by taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. They explain the 10 keys to building happiness and there’s even a book explaining more.

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Every month they put out a calendar for things you can do each day to do good. These things can be anything from connecting to someone of an earlier generation, to taking time to reflect on something you achieved, or accepting your mistakes as being part of progress. You can sign up to receive the calendars with your email address. Another option is to download their schedule into your calendar.

One particular thing worth checking out is that every December they make a Kindness calendar (they are affiliated with no religion) that gives a suggestion of what you can do each day.

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