Hagar Qim and Mnajdra Megalithic Temples in Malta
Two megalithic temples are near each other and the sea in the countryside of Malta.
The Hagar Qim (Ha jar eem) and Mnajdra Temples megalithic temples are within easy walking distance from each other down a paved path (with stones that are graffitied with people’s names and dates from the 1900s and 2000s). An entry fee gets you access to both. There is an audio tour you can download on your phone and many informational signs for you to learn about the temples.
Hagar Qim was built starting around 3000 BC; Mnajdra, a short walk downhill, is from around 3600 BC. Both are protected by overarching shelters to protect them from the elements (and you from the sun 🙂 ) and are UNESCO sites.

One of the stones at Hagar Qim is thought to weigh around 20 tons! But many others are quite large although not that big.

Many of the carved stones in the temples have been taken to the Museum of Archaeology in Valletta and were replaced with reproductions. The Venus of Malta was discovered here and is now viewable at the Museum.

Each of these you can walk around on your own on marked paths, again with signs showing things of importance. It is amazing to see the size of the stones they carved and arranged all without anything other than stone and antler tools.

For more info on megalithic temples in Malta, click here.