Ggantija, Ta’Hagrat and Skorba Megalithic Temples (Malta)

On the island of Gozo, you can see the 2 Ggantija (Ji gan tee a) Temples. These were built around 3600 BC – predating the pyramids and Stonehenge. This is another Megalithic temple site that is a UNESCO site. The name is such because some people thought these temples were built by giants.

3 altars

This site has areas that are being held up by sturdy scaffolding but is still accessible to walk around and inside some portions.

Some of the artifacts found here are on display in the small museum on the site.

2 carved heads that were found in the ruins
Several flat carved figures were found in the ruins and are on display at the museum there

There are 2 other megalithic temples on Malta which I didn’t visit: Ta’Hagrat and Skorba. These are the lesser-visited ones and I didn’t have time.

For more info on megalithic temples in Malta, click here.

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