Single-serving friends (while traveling)

If you are thinking of traveling by yourself and wondering how you’d make friends while traveling, here are some ideas:

  • join Facebook or Meetup groups for the ares you are visiting. You can join groups for particular interests (e.g., hiking, or crafts, etc in the area, or just about group dining or other activities in the area in general).
  • Take a class in something that interests you there, you’ll not only learn something, but you’ll also meet people with similar interests
  • Hang out in the lounge or lobby of your hostel or hotel and see if there are others doing interesting things that you can join on tours.
  • Do a walking tour where you may meet locals, and others intersted in similar things to you: history, food, culture
  • Sign up for a language class.
  • Search out pick-up sports you like at your destination.
  • Get an app that matches you up with fellow travelers, like Tourlina or backpackr (both free).  You put in your destination and dates and they let you contact other travelers in the area at the time.  Many websites offer similar options (but not as conveniently as those with apps).
  • If you are at a hostel, there are likely activities in the hostel – like hot potting, bar crawls, etc. that you can join if interested and meet like-minded folk
  • Do something interesting that will attract people.  Do magic tricks, play a card game (Set or Spot It are small and easy to travel with), knit a scarf, etc, while in a public area and see who comes by to ask questions.

The key is doing things that you like, so you meet people with similar likes.  If you don’t like to drink, don’t try to meet people in a bar.  If you like tatoos, check out local tatoo places.  Just think about where people like you would congregate and go.

If you meet and make friends, don’t be afraid to see what else either of you are doing later that the other may want to join. Don’t be afraid to change your plans.

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