Wadi Rum (Jordan) – staying in Martian Tents

On my recent trip to Jordan and Egypt, one of the things my group wanted to do was visit Wadi Rum. Once we started looking into the location we found various options for overnight stays, and one of these was to stay in geodesic dome tents at Sun City. These are called Martian Tents because The Martian was filmed here, and the big dome was given to a local thus this style of tent became popular as people wanted to stay on “Mars” and more were added as options.

The tents are quite nice, with a full bathroom, and a large window area with black-out curtains. Each is fully climate-controlled, which is wonderful as it is hot during the day and cold at night in the desert.

Outside on your deck, you can lay on special foam pads or bean bags to view the night sky, which is spectacular.

One thing I would recommend you bring to this magical location is a small headlamp – the boardwalk is very dark at night and having a $10-ish headlamp (like this one) would have made it easier to get around at night.