Dead Sea floating
When in Jordan or Israel, one very peculiar experience that you can get is floating in the Dead Sea.
The Dead Sea is a landlocked lake that is surrounded by Israel and Jordan. It is about 1400 feet below sea level and is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. Because of the high density, if you go in the water you float much higher than you would in water that isn’t as saline. There is a small area set out for people to go into the water and bob around.

The water was very clear the day I went in. What I found particularly surprising was that if you are floating on your back, it is somewhat difficult to get back to a vertical position. The easiest way I found was to sort of bend into a pike position and then slowly get my legs down. And it was easy to accidentally end up floating on your back as if you lost your balance just a little, over you went. Very fun.
There is usually a vat of Dead Sea mud nearby where you can slather yourself which is supposed to help with various ailments (depending on the contents of that day’s mud conveniently).

One young guy in the back was swimming, which looked funny with his feet and head so far up in the air.

Just make sure to follow the bathing suit rules: