Grenada – Grenade-ah :-) The Spice Island

, Grenada – Grenade-ah :-)   The Spice Island
Again a pronunciation: Grenade-ah
I was pronouncing it incorrectly because I used to live in a building called the Grenada Center, pronounced Gren-ah-dah.
We saw three main attractions on Grenada. A spice demonstration (the local equivalent of a jade tour in China, the argan oil shop in Morocco, carpet tours in Turkey, etc.), Grand Etang Lake (which is in and extinct volcano), Annandale Waterfall where there was a jumping group that jumped into the pool from along the waterfall.
The spice demonstration was both educational and interesting with the people handing out samples of each spice to smell and explaining how each was harvested.

Then there was a bar with that sign above. 

There are often monkeys at the lake but they weren’t there the day we were.  There are large carp in the lake though that very much appreciate a couple crackers or whatever you happen to have with you.  But do not feed the monkeys if they are there.

Here are some other things you can do.


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