Marco Island: Turtles, Urchins, shells and birds

When you are on Marco Island, you may see signs like this, blocking off parts of the beach where a turtle nest has been identified and catalogued. When the turtles are ready to hatch, a watch is put on them to count how many turtles hatch and confirm all are released. To help the baby turtles go the right way, they are herded into the water.

If you are really lucky, you’ll get to see turtle tracks in the sand from the female coming onto the beach to lay her eggs. Wildlife conservation people drive up the beach each morning to find these tracks and mark the nests as above.

The best way to see things such as this is to go out walking early in the morning. Not only may you find some pretty shells, but also, if there are tide pools you may get to see some sneaky urchins hiding under shells

As well as shorebirds.

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