Cuba – Museum of the Revolution (with Abraham Lincoln)

, Cuba – Museum of the Revolution (with Abraham Lincoln), Cuba – Museum of the Revolution (with Abraham Lincoln), Cuba – Museum of the Revolution (with Abraham Lincoln), Cuba – Museum of the Revolution (with Abraham Lincoln)

Cuba – Museum of the Revolution

Havana’s Museum of the Revolution is housed in the former Presidential Palace which hosted foreign dignitaries and has a hall similar to mini-Versailles hall of mirrors.  It’s final resident was Batista, after which it was found to be a capitalistic eyesore after the Cuban Revolution and converted to the museum in the 1960s.
It is sad that this museum is poorly maintained and there is paint peeling off the walls, and many of the displays are quite worn and display cases are dilapidated.
It is interesting to see a bust of Lincoln at the top of a staircase placed so that eveyone who visits the museum can’t help but see and recognize it.

The Museum primarily houses relics from the Cuban Revolution (mostly related to the torture and murder praciced by Batistas dictorial regime) but also has items back to the Spanish colonization in the 1400s.  There are lots of torture implements and bloody clothing, and other macabre items.

Out back is another exhibit housed outside — the Granma Yacht which transported 82 Cuban fighters including” Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro (his brother), and  Che Guevara from Mexico to Cuba for the revoluation.

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