Ernest Hemmingway's Cuba

Ernest Hemingway is a big attraction in Cuba. Although he was an American he lived in Cuba for many years.
He fished at the Cojimar dock (above) in his boat, Pilar. Now Pilar is on display at his home which you can visit.

This is his living room. If you visit the site, you can see most of his house, including the upper airy room where he wrote his books. The room there contains his typewriter and is up a very narrow staircase clinging to the side of the building. A guard there can take a picture of it if you give them a tip.
While in Cuba, he wrote Old Man and the Sea. Surprisingly he wrote it in an 8-week whirlwind writing session. He received the telegram about being awarded the Nobel Prize while there.
Click on the below for the book, and a documentary.