
Why get Travel Insurance?

Many people travel without travel insurance, but it is really a good idea to have it, particularly when you are...

Language shirt for where you don’t speak the language

When you travel to a country where you don’t know the language it can be a challenge. It is nice...

Happiness related to buying less stuff, repairing more

A recent research study found that buying less related to being happier and having less stress. This relationship remained even...

Unusual foods: Durian – Like stinky feet or heavenly? You decide

Unusual foods: Durian – Like stinky feet or heavenly? You decide The Smell Durian is a spiky-shelled fruit that smells...

Easy food and drink options for traveling

When you travel there are some foods and drinks that are easy to take with you and easy to make...

Translation fails

Translation fails

When going to a country where you don’t speak the language, I recommend having a translation tool on your phone...

Finding happiness during Covid

As several of my posts note, experiences and learning are some of the keys to happiness. I just ran across...

Travel experiences – Eat With Locals

Because experiences are what make us happy, I’m always looking for different or educational experiences wherever I am traveling. Whether...

Preparing for an international trip

This is how I set up an international trip.  Some steps won’t be relevant for you, but this is how...

Solo woman traveler safety – sightseeing safely

Solo woman traveler safety – Part 2: sightseeing safely In a another post, I covered how to be safe as...