
Travel laundry – drying your clothing

Travel laundry – drying your clothing

When you travel a while and want to launder your clothing quickly, it’s very helpful to have quick-dry clothing, and...

Dealing with annoying bugs (tse-tse flies, mosquitos, and more)

Depending on where you go, you may have problem insects. From tse-tse flies, no-see-ums, mosquitos and more, they can ruin...

Travel anywhere in carry-on? YES!

To pack in just carry-on for one week and longer trips, particularly to different climates, is a slowly learned skill....

And remember to pack a towel, you hoopy frood

Whether travelling in your home country, abroad, or around the universe, a towel is a wonderful thing to have with...

How to sleep well in hotel rooms

When you are traveling, one thing that can be hard is getting to sleep in unfamiliar places. There are sounds...

Taming damaged or severely tangled hair (with help from a tree Moroccan goats climb)

While I love to dive/snorkel/etc, I  hate it when I go scuba diving or snorkeling or ride in an open-air...

Stay in a Japanese temple with Buddhist monks

If you are in Japan, one thing you can try as an unusual experience is staying in a shukubo. These...

Tourist Etiquette = Respecting the Culture

When you travel, make sure to respect the culture you are visiting. Here are a few tips. Remember you are...

Buy for the life you have, not the life you want

This is something that I have a hard time with, but knowing it sometimes helps me to not buy things...

Using vacations and other experiences to make yourself happier (according to research)

I’ve run across an article several times in the past few years about how your happiness related to travel is...