
Pack light, fit in carry-on: reversible/convertible clothes for women

Packing light – reversible/convertible clothes options for women In addition to taking quick-wash-and-dry clothing with you (covered here), another winning...

Travel tips: Staying healthy in airports and planes

Travel tips: Staying healthy in airports and on planes There are many things you can do to improve your chances...

Books to read before visiting any country

Books to read before visiting any country

Here’s a fun site for finding books to read while you are in a country or before you go. It...

Pack light, fit in carry-on: dealing with clothing – quick-dry ftw

Traveling lightly makes your trip easier I nearly always travel with only carry-on luggage.  One exception was when I went...

Traveling ecologically

There are many things you can do to cut down on the impact your travel has on the environment. Of...

My best travel tips: other tips

Other tips for enjoying travel: Bring at least 2 USB chargers.  I lost half a day in China trying to...

Digitize your life; travel more – dealing with paper

Recently I realized that since my plan when I retire is to travel more, I really should start getting rid...

Plane travel: Sleeping on planes? Yes, even in the middle seat

My recent flight to Asia was 15 hours, and I had ended up in the middle seat.  I guess that...

Travel packing: Leaving clothing/supplies behind

Packing in carry-on and coming home with less than when you started is goal you can master. By leaving things...

Walkli – find walking tours around the world

Walkli is a website that has walking tours set up for many cities across the globe.  I ran across it...