
News of the Good: Do Good for Happiness

Action for Happiness is always a good place to visit to be inspired to help others (which also often gives...

Losing my wallet in Cartagena (Colombia)

So, a lot of the things I tell you about on my page are things I’ve learned over the years....

Save time and money: misfortunate (but reasonably priced) fruit and veg delivered

There are a couple of services that send you otherwise unpicked/wasted produce that was too small, or lumpy, or misshapen....

Very useful “random things” pouch for travel

Very useful “random things” pouch for travel

Because I travel so frequently, I have a few things that generally just live in my suitcase so I take...

Packing for a Safari

Packing for a Safari

A safari is an interesting travel option as you generally have to fit all your needs into an average size...

$50 off at Gate1travel for tours

Gate 1 is one of my favorite tour companies.  Sometimes I just don’t want to do the work of planning...

Traveling is a vice that takes your time, money and energy, but makes you richer

For the born traveler, traveling is a besetting vice. Like other vices, it is imperious, demanding its victim’s time, money,...

General cruising tips

If you love your coffee in the morning as I do, you’ll be looking for more options than are easily...