Experiences by Destination

Travel sights, sites, and experiences sorted by geographic area

Malta’s natural beauty (photolog)

The island of Malta has many wonderful historical sights with its deep history of neolithic settlements, wars, and Knights Hospitaller,...

Seeing Galapagos Tortoises (Ecuador)

If you go to the Galapagos islands, you have a few options for seeing the Galapagos tortoises at one of...

Konoko Falls fail (Jamaica)

At Konoko Falls we were very disappointed.  We paid and were put in a tour group that went through the...

The Hypogeum and Tarxien Megalithic Temples (Malta) – UNESCO sites

One reason people visit Malta is to see the megalithic construction there, some of which predates the pyramids.  Several sites...

La Brea Tar pits: stinky paleontological research (California)

La Brea Tar pits: stinky paleontological research (California)

It’s odd to find an active paleontological research site in an urban area such as Los Angeles, but that’s what...

Dr Seuss’s trees in the desert (California)

Dr Seuss’s trees in the desert (California)

Joshua trees are funky dancing trees from Dr Seuss’s imagination brought to life in a desert. The backdrop of the...

Stories told by cemeteries

When I travel, I often find myself attracted to old graveyards and cemeteries. I didn’t even realize that those two...

The centers of the world in Ecuador

The centers of the world in Ecuador

Yes, you read that correctly. You can visit two “middle of the world” sites in Ecuador just outside of Quito....

Quito city sights and tastes (Ecuador)

Quito is a common access point for getting to the Galapagos, but don’t let that stop you from staying a...

Malta’s Knights Hospitaller 

All around Malta and Gozo (the lesser-known “other island” of Malta), there are reminders of the major influence of the...