Experiences by Destination

Travel sights, sites, and experiences sorted by geographic area

Castles of Vienna (Austria)

Belvedere Palace Belvedere Palace is set in a large garden park (it was at one point even referred to as...

Flight search engine with filters for weather, visas, safety, etc.

I recently found a site that is a flight search but has uncommon filters you can add to your request....

Videos from the Lisbon Oceanarium

The Oceanarium is well worth a trip if you are interested in sealife. Here are just a few of the...

Toledo Cathedral (Spain)

Toledo Cathedral The Toledo Cathedral was built in the 13th century in the Gothic style.  As with many religious buildings...

Angkor Wat archeological area

Angkor Wat in Siem Reap Cambodia has numerous archaeological wonders and beautiful carved stone artwork.

Swimming with a fever of stingrays (Caribbean)

Swimming with a fever of stingrays (Caribbean)

Swimming with a stingray fever Yes, that’s what a group of stingrays is called. A fever.  One of the more...

Miniature buildings and features of Europe (Belgium)

Similar to Madurodam, this is a collection of extremely precise miniatures, but from all over Europe, not just the Netherlands....

Sagrada Familia – indescribable beauty (Barcelona, Spain)

It is hard to describe the beauty of Sagrada Familia.  I have heard that some people went to it, saw...

Stephansdom, Vienna, Austria

St Stephan’s Cathedral, also called Stephansdom, is a well known landmark in Vienna, and the main Catholic Church in the...

The Many Gardens of Singapore – videos