Travel in a carry-on – packing electronics

To pack in just carry-on is a slowly learned skill. You can only take essentials and have to plan on washing clothing.  You can see more about this in other posts ( quick wash clothes, multi-way clothes, Random things pouch, Health and Safety pouch, etc.)

Finally, you need your electronics to be compact and versatile, so here’s what I do for that. Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

USB Chargers

These are generally the most important things to take on a trip. Without being able to power your devices, there will be much sadness.

If I am traveling with others, I’ll generally bring this charger as it handles everyone’s needs with only one relatively small and light item.  It charges everything fast. Further, it allows me and others to charge up to 6 things at a time, which has been enough when 3 of us travel together.  

I also usually take one of the below also because they are small so I have a backup if I want to charge away from my hotel/ship room.

If I’m by myself – I’ll usually just bring two of these: These are nice because they come in a 3 pack.  Three ports is enough that I can charge my phone, travel phone, plus kindle or camera at the same time. Plus they are pretty small so they easily fit in a pocket if you are out. Although I’d like to find a smaller 3-USB plug, or one that the plug folds flat. Always take a second usb port of some kind. The second one is a backup, I learned my lesson about only having one, when it died on a trip and I lost half a day looking for a new one.

I also take 3 USB cords with a couple of end adapters so they can charge USB-c, mini or micro port items.

All of this fits (with a Fitbit charger, and a triple outlet tap) fits in a small hard-sided case that came with some random long-ago purchase.

Other things

In addition to those primary power items, I bring whichever electronic things I need for the trip. They go in a 2nd bag.

  • camera & battery charger (if not USB)
  • Kindle (that I use as a laptop with a cheap mod)
  • a backup battery that can power all of this and my phone (more info below)
  • sometimes – GoPro camera (only for underwater usually) and accessories
  • a VPN so I can use wi-fi anywhere. I recommend ExpressVPN (which even works in China)

All of this easily fits in a carry-on suitcase, so then it’s just a matter of the other specific things I want to take: umbrella,  snorkel mask/fins, trekking poles, etc, that vary by where I am going.

Cruise considerations

Additionally, if I’m going on a cruise, this set gets added to make life easier in such a cramped space.  The lights are really helpful when trying to move around in the dark (and get into the bathroom) without waking others. The bathroom light in a cruise cabin is on the outside of the bathroom, and you don’t need to bother with it if you put one of these in the bathroom. Extras can go down near the floor in the room (so they aren’t so noticeable if you are in bed).

My personal item consists of my sleep kit (on longer flights) and the things I can’t stand to lose (camera, Kindle, travel paperwork, etc.) plus the stuff needed to be clean and stay healthy on flights.

And if you want to be able to recharge it on the run, I use this 3.0 charger.  I can charge my Kinde and keyboard, camera, and phone from this one device. I love it.

And away I go. . .

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