Bali Swings – an uplifting experience

The original Bali Swings is a very fun way to spend a morning in Bali (and there are a lot of ways to spend the day there).

Bali swings flower swing

When you arrive, you have to sign a waiver, but I have to say these guys take safety seriously, and I don’t think you have much to worry about.

Bali Swings bed swing

When you get in, head first to the swing just to the left of the big swing first. After you go on that one, you are allowed to go on the biggest swing (directly to its right). The line for the big swing can get very long, which is why you want to get there as soon as you can.

Bali Swings Nest

For each swing or nest you want to enter that has ANY chance of danger, you will be either roped to it (for the small ones) or wear a full safety harness (on the big swing). These guys have done this many times before and are quite quick at adjusting the safety equipment to your size.

Pro-tip: The safety harness is red, so if you wear a red dress it will blend in. Alternately, bring a shawl to put over your back to cover the harness or ropes.

You can also wear one of their flowy dresses if you don’t have one of your own for a fee.

There are several swings/nests that fit two people as well.

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