Travel food: Specialty food on Kangaroo Island, Australia – the best ice cream I've ever had

, Travel food: Specialty food on Kangaroo Island, Australia – the best ice cream I've ever had, Travel food: Specialty food on Kangaroo Island, Australia – the best ice cream I've ever had
Clifford’s Honey Farm on Kangaroo Island has the last genetically pure population of the Ligurian honey bees anywhere in the world.  All the other Lingorian bee populations in the world have been mixed with other types of bees.  But, because of Kangaroo Island’s remote location, theirs have not.  The honey these bees make is delicious, and the ice cream the owners make with the honey is the best ice cream I’ve ever had.  Highly recommended.  As an added bonus, the honey is packaged in koala bear bottles, rather than the regular bear bottles as shown above.

Nearby was an amazing dairy – Island Pure Sheep Dairy which began in 1992 and shut down in 2018. Their cheese was amazing and you could do tours of how the dairy worked.  It was funny seeing the sheep running into the chutes to be milked.  They had yogurt, gelato, cheese and other products made from their sheeps’ milk for sale in their store.  Sad to see that that is over.

For more great options of things to do on Kangaroo Island, click here.

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