Language shirt for where you don’t speak the language

When you travel to a country where you don’t know the language it can be a challenge. It is nice to have an option for communication where you just point to what you are interested in. There are several different versions of this language shirt, and it is available in a couple of colors as well. Just click on the shirt to get more info.

This language shirt is an option similar to the Point It book which I love. It has many fewer options but has the main ones you’d need. With either item, you just point at the thing you want.

The Point It book is available on Amazon (there are many versions), so if that one is out of stock, just search for “point it” and another version may come up. It doesn’t matter what “language” you get as the book primarily consists of pictures, which is the whole point. 🙂

For more about language while traveling, click here.

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