Search Results for: xi'an

Total posts found - 10

Dancing with strangers at the Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Xi’an, China)

In Xi’an, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda has a fountain show at noon. It is near the city wall as...

Xi'an China summary – what to do/see/know

Xi’an (shee-ahn)  is the capital of Shaanxi Province, China and is one of the oldest cities in China.  In fact...

Bell Tower and Drum Tower, Xian (China)

Updated:As I [originally wrote] this post, I’m on the high-speed train from Xi’an to Beijing. What is most striking about...

Xi'an Terracotta Warriors (China)

Getting there When arriving in Xi’an at the train station or airport, most people head right out to see the...

China: Transportation options

China: Transportation options

When you are in the large cities of China, you have a lot of options for transportation including hailing taxis,...

It's a little bit crazy, and a lot Muslim Quarter, Xi'an (China)

It's a little bit crazy, and a lot Muslim Quarter, Xi'an (China)

When you leave the Drum Tower area in Xi’an, you basically are right next to the Muslim Quarter, which is...

Cost for 8 full days in Beijing and Xi'an (including airfare from Chicago, hotel, attractions) < $1500. How?

Cost for 8 full days in Beijing and Xi'an (including airfare from Chicago, hotel, attractions) < $1500. How?

I travel a lot.  Well, as much as I can afford with the time and money I have available.  There...

Speeding through the night (Chinese bullet train); Chinese train info

Speeding through the night (Chinese bullet train); Chinese train info

Walking around Xi’an, you can see some strange things. I saw someone pickup their dog and put it in a...

Unusual foods: Durian – Like stinky feet or heavenly? You decide

Unusual foods: Durian – Like stinky feet or heavenly? You decide The Smell Durian is a spiky-shelled fruit that smells...

Overnight sleeper train from Beijing to Xi'an (China)

After going through the Temple of Heaven’s main sights, I headed off to the train station to catch the overnight...