A carnival for carnivores – many different meats at one meal (Nairobi, Kenya)

If you are looking for an interesting meal while in Nairobi, you may want to check out The Carnivore.  
The cooking area in the middle of the restaurant
Assorted meats (shown on a menu board) are cooked over a charcoal fire and served table to table from Maasai swords.  The all-you-can-eat experience starts with soup if desired, and ends with the choice of dessert if you aren't full.
Menu varies a little as things run out

When you arrive for the buffet, your table is given a flag which you stand up in the middle of your table. This is a signal that as the meat is walked around the room, your table will be offered pieces. Later they’ll ask you which options your table still wants. Keep eating until you all surrender to the enslaught and put your flag down (thereby allowing them to pass your table).

Put your flag down when you concede

Here is a selection of meats on my plate, Ox ball (not recommended) in the 5 o’clock position. I loved the ostrich meatballs and abhored the ox balls.

one plate; several different meats

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