Finding happiness during Covid

As several of my posts note, experiences and learning are some of the keys to happiness.

I just ran across a study involving how to be happy during Covid based on research from the Happiness Research Institute (yes, that’s a real thing, here’s their webpage if you want to know more).

The Institute looked into ways that you can reclaim your happiness, even during Covid times where many options expanding your world-view and interactions with others are limited. They looked at which behaviors positively affected people’s feelings of loneliness, fear/anxiety, and overall well-being.

They suggest things like looking for new experiences and learning closer to home. For example, your new experiences can be as simple as trying new foods, doing more things outside, or losing yourself in a book. They also suggest engaging in personal and family activities (cooking, art, play board games, have long family dinners, etc), meditation and physical activity, and helping others navigate these trying times.

If you want to read the complete article, it’s here.

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