TSA Precheck or Global Entry?

What’s the difference between TSA Precheck and Global Entry?

TSA Precheck gives you access to the Precheck lines at U.S. airports.  Among other things, this means you don’t have to take off your shoes, nor remove your (still limited) liquids ziplock from your bag, nor remove your computer from your bag.  This makes things go much smoother and faster for you. Especially since it’s unlikely the Pre-check line to have the family that doesn’t know any of the rules. 

Global Entry includes TSA precheck and also expedited customs screening when re-entering the U.S. You don’t have to fill out any forms, and you can use a kiosk to get through, which is very fast.

How much do they cost?

The costs are very similar for 5-year memberships — TSA Precheck is $85 and Global Entry is $100.

Which should I choose?

Because of the tiny cost difference (especially over 5 years), for most people, Global Entry is the best option if you ever travel internationally. This Tool from the Department of Homeland Security also will show you which program they recommend for you.

How do I apply?

When you apply for Global Entry at the Trusted Traveler Program website, you are screened online. Then you have to meet in person with a Customs officer.  Once approved, you get a membership number. This is what you fill in in the  “known traveler number” field on many airline websites. By doing that you’ll get TSA Pre-check for flights with them. 

Pro-tip: It is not automatic that you can just buy a ticket and it knows that you have TSA Pre-check so make sure you fill that out in any profile page when you are buying or you won’t get it.

Here’s a special note for people who have been to Cuba. I had been to Cuba when I applied for Global Entry, and I did have to provide the certification that I went on an approved trip.  I was told I will have to re-supply that documentation at each renewal, or I can’t get Global Entry anymore.  So be sure to check all the requirements for GE and make sure to follow them.  You will also need to be fingerprinted at the interview mentioned above.

NOTE: Don’t forget to have a fun passport holder – you can click on the below – they go as low as around $7 depending on which you want. Some have RFID protection. And you can even get personalized ones with a quote.  There are so many available that you can likely find several you want to use.

This is the one I’m currently using (and I labeled it “Mix Tape”, of course) but it’s no longer available 🙁

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