Don't overweight your carry-on

When you travel internationally these days, there is a chance they will weigh your carry-on bag(s) before you get on the plane.  Sometimes the weights allowed are exceptionally low – like only 15 pounds.  So even if you travel in a carry-on, you have to pay attention to the weight of your backpack or roll-aboard.  If you are checking bags, of course, they nearly always weigh them, and the fines for being overweight are often quite steep, so it is generally a good idea to keep good track of the weight of your bags.

Having lighter-weight bags also makes it easier for you to get around the airport and around town when you are taking your baggage with you.

The first thing you can do is just pack light so you know you are under-weight.  It helps if you start with a relatively lightweight bag as some suitcases weigh more than 10 pounds, and some backpacks more the 5 pounds.  This can quickly eat up your weight allowance without you even noticing.

You can test your empty (or filled) bags on your home scale. If you are near the limit and expect to be taking about the same amount home, a cheap device can save you a lot of expense and inconvenience.  Travel scales like this are quite cheap – usually around $10-$15. [ Note: as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases].

They are awkward to use with heavy bags since you have to lift the bag with the handle to weigh it, but for bags under 10kg (22 pounds), it’s not too bad.  If your luggage weighs 40 pounds, you may have to separate it into 2 or three weighings (e.g., weigh just the suitcase, then the suitcase with one batch of things, and then the suitcase with another batch of things; add the last two together then subtract the weight of the empty bag).

This way you can avoid exorbitant fees for overweight bags.  The last flight I was on if you weighed over the amount, the charge was $60!  So make sure you pay attention to the rules for your particular flight.

Happy Travels!

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